Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Humans take things for granted. Perhaps there's always a time whereby everything one tries but it just doesn't work. People say that a leopard never change its spots, but it do apply to humans too. Humans rarely change its bad habits or character. I guess the time has come for me to just let things go how nature or fate wants it to go. I've lost every hope and i'm tired, really, very tired. I don't know why i'm always trying so hard. I wonder, is it even worth it?

I'm lost in the abyss of darkness that blinds me from finding the answer. Maybe one day, one day i'll find my way out of the abyss and find my answer.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Things that are meant to be will be and somethings that aren't meant to be won't be.. No matter how much you alter or what you do, things won't just go your way or turn out the way you want.. I have learnt many things throughtout this year and it was a painful one.. Thanks for the memories..

Well.. I got accepted by Ngee Ann Polytechnic for Biomedical Engineering through the Direct Polytechnic Admission and i got a B3 for my O level chinese! Wahhaha! Anyways thank you to the people who helped me for all this achivements! :)

Friday, August 7, 2009
Well... Many things happened this week. Interesting isn't it? We had block test this week and it was not bad. I'm really sorry to someone whom i wrongly blamed. If you do read this, i know a thousand of apologies wouldn't work, but i'm really sorry. I know i've done many things in the past that really did make you angry and disappointed, and as your friend, i really do fail you. I really do hope you'll give me another chance but if you don't, i'll understand as who would want a friend that always vent his anger on you and disappoint you. Thanks for everything you've done for me even though i was too blinded by my own anger and jealousy to see it. After many days of thoughts, what you said was actually right. Because i'm too blinded to see what you have done for me. And the reason why our friendship went down the drain, it's totally my fault. I guess to you now i'm just some idiot jerk who don't care for anyone except himself. But from the bottom of my heart, i do thank you for everything. Thank you.

Monday, July 6, 2009
Basically, I did nothing today. Sigh. Dad brought me out for buffet lunch today. Witnessed a quarrel between two groups of retards over a table. It's like so what the hell. One of the groups could have just taken the empty table beside the table they were quarrelling. Perhaps it’s not the table they are quarrelling about; it’s their principles and pride they’re fighting for? Funny people.

Tomorrow is yet another school day. Prelim is just around the corner. I think everyone is damn stress. But when you think about it, it isn’t very stress after all. After all, the O level exam is the most stressful thing. So take it easy, don’t be too hard on yourself.

I am thinking about changing my e-mail. But I am having second thoughts as well because I don’t want to re-add everyone all over again… Unless you all don’t mind going through the hassle of adding my new add? So, what you think? Drop me a comment!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Hey people!

It's been a long long time since i last blog... well Mid-year Exams are fianlly over but well the results weren't what i kindof expected with the amount of hard work i've put in this time. But well, it's a learning experience! Going to Wild Wild Wet tomorrow with the whole sec 4s? Hope it'll be fun though i've been there for a bilion time? hahas

See ya people!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Hey People :)

Was there ever a time where you felt lost because you have no one to confide to and the person whom you trust and love the most rather spend time with someone else rather than you? Perhaps it's the person's own fault for depending on that person too much i guess? I do hope the sun would emerge from the clouds one day...

TRUST, MODERATION nice words aren't they?

cheers peeps

Friday, April 10, 2009
Sometimes... people just feel lost... they don't know what to do... they tried but nothing comes out of it.. Maybe one day.. one day... time will tell everything..

my affair
Hello people, my name is Darren. I have a bad temper at times and can be very sarcastic. But when I'm nice, I assure you I am very nice. Oh, in case you don't know, yes you have just step foot into my world. Welcome!

talk it out

train to nowhere
Aqilah Gauri Harmony HongWei Joan JunLin Leonora Lionel WeiXing WenYi MJR biologist

.fourth!Romance is the designer.
Inspiration from Exuvalia and mintypeach.